Hyperbola Calculator

x0 :
y0 :
a :
b :
Hyperbolic focus F:
Hyperbolic focus F':
Hyperbolic eccentricity:
Asymptote equation H'L:
Asymptote equation L'H:

A hyperbola is a point whose absolute value of the difference between the distance to two fixed points on a plane is a constant. It can also be defined as the point whose ratio of the distance to a fixed point to a fixed line is a constant greater than 1. A hyperbola is a type of conic section, that is, the intersection of a conic surface and a plane. A hyperbola has a²+b²=c²

Hyperbola Equation Calculator

Hyperbolic focus FX axis = x0 + √(a2 + b2)

Hyperbola focus FY axis = y0

Hyperbola focus F' X axis = x0 - √(a2 + b2)

Hyperbola focus F' Y axis = y0

Asymptote H'L: y=(b/a)x + y0 - (b/a)x0

Asymptote LH': y=(-b/a)x + y0 + (b/a)x0

Hyperbolic eccentricity = √(a2 + b2) / a