Word Count Tool
0indivual Total number of Chinese characters:0indivual
Total number of Chinese punctuation marks:0indivual
Total number of English characters:0indivual
Total number of English punctuation marks:0indivual
Total number of numeric characters:0indivual Total English words:0indivual
Total number of data words:0indivual
Total number of rows (segments):0
Total characters:Total number of Chinese punctuation marks:0indivual
Total number of English characters:0indivual
Total number of English punctuation marks:0indivual
Total number of numeric characters:0indivual Total English words:0indivual
Total number of data words:0indivual
Total number of rows (segments):0
Word count, the statistical results include the number of words, the number of characters (excluding spaces), the number of words (including spaces), etc.