Random Number Generator

Determine the number, minimum and maximum of random numbers generated:
Minimum: Maximum value:
Choose whether to use a unique random number:
Click Generate to generate a random number:
Get the random numbers you want!
The results are shown here!

There are many different ways to generate random numbers. These methods are called random number generators. The most important property of a random number is that the next number after it is generated has nothing to do with the previous number.

True random numbers are generated using physical phenomena: such as coin tossing, dice, spinning wheels, noise using electronic components, nuclear fission, etc. Such random number generators are called physical random number generators, and their disadvantage is that they require relatively high technical requirements.

In practical applications, it is often sufficient to use pseudo-random numbers. These sequences are numbers that "seem" random, but in fact they are generated by a fixed, repeatable calculation method. They are not truly random, because they can actually be calculated, but they have statistical characteristics similar to random numbers. Such a generator is called a pseudo-random number generator.