Scientific Notation Calculator

Scientific Notation:

Mathematical term, the form of a×10 raised to the power of n. A number is expressed as (a×10 raised to the power of n), where 1≤|a|<10, and n represents an integer. This method of notation is called scientific notation. In the form of power, it is sometimes convenient to express some larger numbers encountered in daily life, such as: the speed of light is about 300,000,000 meters per second; the world population is about: 6,100,000,000 people. Such large numbers are often seen in physics, and it is very inconvenient to read and write. Considering that the power of 10 has the following characteristics

Generally, for 10n powers, there are n zeros after the 1, so some large numbers can be expressed by powers of 10, such as: 6 100 000 000=6.1×1 000 000 000.