RGB three primary colors combination color calculator


The RGB color model is a color standard in the industry. It obtains a variety of colors by changing the three color channels of red (R), green (G), and blue (B) and superimposing them on each other. RGB represents the colors of the three channels of red, green, and blue. This standard covers almost all colors that can be perceived by human vision and is one of the most widely used color systems at present.

RGB (red, green, and blue). In class, we are talking about photography, which is the three primary colors. In addition, the phosphors in the TV we watch are also this combination. If you go to a color TV, you will see that the CRT is like this. But don't look at the computer monitor in front of you, its pixels are too small to be distinguished by the naked eye. The combination of these three colors, RGB, almost forms almost all colors.